Jan 7, 2009

Let's Fucking Not

Apparently Congress is preparing a "non-binding resolution" supporting Israel's goals in the Gaza Strip.

U.S. Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-Md.), the U.S. House of Representatives majority leader, told JTA he was looking at such a resolution, which is being drafted in the office of Rep. Howard Berman (D-Calif.), the chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

“Certainly it would not demand a cease-fire,” Hoyer said. “It would speak to the conditions that would justify a cease-fire. A cease-fire is not a just cease-fire when it’s just Israel” holding fire.

Be sure to put something in there about how much we dig the blowing up of schools and the killing of a family of 60.

And be sure not to focus on the one or two problems currently facing some country called America.


TheGigaShadow said...

Yeah, too bad about the school but as long as Hamas use their civilians as human shields, this kind of thing is going to happen. Most of the damage done was from secondary explosions, a result of all the munitions Hamas had stored inside the building. If you're going to set up your operation in a civilian populated area (or building) don't cry when your opponent targets those areas there are civilian casualties. Hamas knows this will happen and uses it to generate sympathy for their cause by focusing on the civilian deaths. If Hamas actually cared about those people they wouldn't wage war from within a populated area to begin with. That blood is on Hamas's hands, not Israel's. Meanwhile, Hamas has intentionally been aiming their rockets at civilian populated areas of Israel (not at military targets) from day one.

Dave Anthony said...

So, if someone takes a hostage, you should kill the hostage to get the guy? Just trying to figure out the logic of killing children to save innocents. Because from where I'm sitting, Israel looks no different than Hamas..

Dave Anthony said...

Oh, and Israel is INTENTIONALLY aiming rockets at one of the most densely populated area on Earth. They are intentionally killing civilians. Sorry, you can make the argument all you want, it's not flying. This is an epic fail.

TheGigaShadow said...

And if Hamas are truly fighting for the "Palestinian people" as they claim, they wouldn't intentionally set up their shop inside a school filled with kids. They know exactly what is going to happen when they do that. So, to expect Israel to sit by and be fired upon just because Hamas wrapped themselves in school kids thinking they won't fire back is ridiculous. Today's school kids are tomorrow's suicide bombers and everyone knows it. If you don't think that's true check out the 70,000 students in Iran already that volunteered to strap on vests and march into Israel.

Israel IS intentionally aiming rockets at one of the most densely populated areas on Earth because that is the area that the rockets that were fired into their civilian neighborhoods originated from. So, targeting the area makes sense. Let's not forget that Hamas started this by firing first. Is Israel killing civilians? Maybe so. Is it intentional? Neither of us can say but is it not true that this is exactly what Hamas was trying to do when they started firing over the border? There's no reason anyone on Earth should expect Israel to just sit by and take it. You also cannot fault them for being better trained, better organized, better armed, and having better aim. Knowing all this, Hamas still pushes them. Hamas are getting what they deserve and no less.

You know as well as I do that this isn't about land and it isn't about blockades on Gaza. If it were, Hamas would be firing on Egypt too and they aren't. This is because they hate the Jews. They'd like nothing more than to see them wiped off the map. Sadly but not surprisingly there are a lot of people who feel this way though I can find no logical reason for it. If Israel doesn't fight back now with a tremendous show of force they're going to have to take this shit forever. If Hamas is unhappy about the level of retaliation maybe they'll think twice before they instigate a fight by firing rocket into neighborhoods. But I doubt it.

I usually enjoy the stuff you write. I read it here and at SG. I also usually agree with you but if from where you're sitting Israel (which is a democracy defending itself ) and Hamas (which is a terrorist organization trying to wipe out a people) look the same to you I don't think we'll ever see eye to eye. Maybe you should try changing where you sit.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, from where I'm standing, Israel's equally to blame. Great military tactics from the nation that shouldn't have a nation, let alone a military. The United States does not need to support Israel's stupidity to condemn Hamas.

TheGigaShadow said...

I get your "crazy guy in a house analogy" but I'm not sure it applies here. This is a war and it's a war Hamas asked for. They asked for it when, without being attacked they began a firing rockets over Israel's border. I have to reiterate that if you hide your soldiers among your civilians you have no right to complain about it when the civilians get killed. And when the people you fired your rockets at fight back and give you the ass kicking of a lifetime you can't cry foul.

In 60 years the Israeli's turned that piece of desert into a shining democracy. They've made major contributions to the fields of technology and medicine. What have the Palestinians done other than to blame all their ills on Israel and the Jews? All the while their Arab "brothers" in Saudi Arabia and Dubai sit atop their piles of money do nothing to help them. But somehow the "plight" of the Palestinian people is the fault of the Jews.

As far as I'm concerned, the Palestinians/Muslims/Islamists/whatever you want to call them bring nothing to the table. They contribute nothing positive to society. Unless you count religious zealotry, suicide bombings and honor killings. When you hear of an Israeli honor killing then we can compare the two.

Here's my analogy:
Go to the zoo. Poke a tiger with a stick though his cage. He'll get pissed but he'll probably let you get away with it. Try it again and you'll likely get a growl of a warning and maybe the swipe of a paw. Stop there and you'll be OK. But, keep up the poking and don't be surprised when, annoyed and tired of being poked the tiger tears you to pieces.

The nation that shouldn't have a nation? Nice try. Next time have something of value to add before interjecting your uneducated opinion.

Anonymous said...

"As far as I'm concerned, the Palestinians/Muslims/Islamists/whatever you want to call them bring nothing to the table. They contribute nothing positive to society."

Wow, really? Wow.

TheGigaShadow said...

Yes, really. Nothing you can show me to try to prove the opposite will cancel out the honor killings they are so proud of. Sorry but that one disqualifies them from the "positive contributions" catagory. Talk about an epic fail.