Jan 7, 2009

Holy Fucking Shit

This is just...I don't know...what...my God...

I mean...can someone....I....fuck...


Anonymous said...

This is clear evidence that the seventh seal has been broken and the end of days are upon us.

Anonymous said...

Ya GOTTA be $HITTIN' me!
A reporter? What kind of "quality" reporting do they think they're going to get anyway?!

"This is Joe da plumma, in fall, fall, fallug-i, ah... fagedda bout it! Anyways, da bullets, man, dey is flyin'! I'm outta heah! da end."

Anonymous said...

Finally, open-minded fair reporting coming from the Middle East.

Rev. Ouabache said...

"Without a politically correct filter". Yeah... he ain't coming back.

Anonymous said...

He better get out of there, he already agreed that electing Obama would 'pretty much mean the destruction of Israel"!

I love it .. 'being a Christian, I'm pretty well protected by God.."

Harold Fowler said...

HFS is right! Wow, amazing


Anonymous said...

Hey, this is great. A Marine friend of mine said "I hope he catches an Hamas rocket."

But I hope he's fine. He can then return and do the personally responsible thing - the very motivation he cited for his going to the war zone - to pay his taxes, something Sam The Not-A-Plumber isn't very good at.

Where's Kato Kaelin today? They'd make a great team, don't you think?