Jun 8, 2009

Conservatives Come Full Circle

Remember the good old days when conservatives would only buy American made products? Um, yeah.
The Detroit Bureau reports that an idea seems to be picking up some cachet on the right-wing blogs and in talk radio: Fighting the "Government Motors" bailout by boycotting the company. Most of it so far is limited to relatively little-known writers, but two big names have picked up on it: Hugh Hewitt, who wants to save free enterprise -- and Rush Limbaugh, who wants anything President Obama does to fail, and is urging his listeners to help push towards that goal.
Clearly the best thing for the country would be for the world's largest producer of automobiles to fail, ending the jobs of 10 million Americans. If the government is involved in anything, we should boycott it.

Boycott the roads! And the fire department! Let it burn!


Anonymous said...

Uh, many, many, many conservatives are in favor of free trade, and therefore thought the "buy American" deal was moronic. Way to paint them all with the same brush, though; it makes demonizing them easier, no doubt.

Dave Anthony said...

Welcome to humor, dipshit.

Anonymous said...

Ah, there it is: say something that isn't funny, but is highly politically charged, and then hide behind the fact that it's "comedy." Please. I wouldn't have commented if these blog entries weren't plainly designed to be of the tiresome "here's a little bit of righteous truth mixed in with humor" variety.

But, if you're admitting it's total bullshit, then great. I can dislike you for bad humor rather than bad ideas. I'll take it.