Oct 17, 2008

Obama Is A Product Of Non-Abortion

It's true. Obama is one lucky motherfucker. According to the National Review Online, Obama probably would have been aborted if the rules were different in 1960.
Nearly 48 years ago, a young woman, not yet 18, became pregnant in her freshman year of college. Living in a time and place in which abortion was generally illegal, she proceeded to marry the father of her child and gave birth to a son. Perhaps she would have done so irrespective of the abortion laws at the time, even if, say, she lived in a legal culture that celebrated abortion as a fundamental right. Very possibly not.
Damn right!
Barack Obama may actually believe, as he stated yesterday, that Roe v. Wade “was rightly decided.” But it may be very lucky for him, as the son born of that woman, that it hadn’t been decided a dozen or so years earlier.
Shut your mouth, non-aborted guy!
That Obama may owe his very life to a pre-Roe legal regime that banned abortion is, to be sure, not necessarily a reason that he should favor that regime. But it ought to lead Obama and others to think more carefully about the valuable role that protective abortion laws play.
Man, that's some deep shit yo. I was actually going to write up something about how awesome the world would be if Bush had been aborted.

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