Sep 8, 2008

Biden in Philly, Kissing Morons

I've been to Philadelphia a few times, so I can vouch that the idiot factor is high. Today, Biden got all up and close to a complete and total moron.

In a corner booth, Biden sat down and, after a moment's conversation, planted a kiss on the forehead of Carolyn Bauer, age 89. Bauer explained afterward it wasn't such a friendly encounter.

"I told him I'm not going to vote for him," Bauer said. "Anybody who runs with a guy with a name like that is not going to get my vote. It'd be disgusting to get a man named Barack Obama as president of the United States. No way. I mean it . . . I'm going to vote for McCain and the lady."

"[Obama's] a Muslim," Bauer added. "He pretends to be a Christian, and he isn't, he's a Muslim."

What a peach. Feel free to die before November. That way you won't be voting for "the lady."

And Joe, wash your lips.

1 comment:

Denis Faye said...

Looks like that poison-laced lipstick Joe's been wearing finally paid off.