Some of you may not know that Victoria Jackson is and has been a religious nut for quite some time. And she blogs! How awesome is that. Today she wrote an entry about why we should not vote for Obama. It brings up many good points, but leaves out the stuff about Obama riding dragons.
Whoever Obama's paying to help him appear to be a Christian, to win the Evangelical vote...is doing a terrible job. He should ask me for a few pointers. First of all, "obscure reference in Romans" is a dead give away that he's never cracked a Bible. "Evangelicals" love Romans. They have it practically memorized. -"obscure reference in Zephaniah" might have been more appropriate. And, Obama, when you say things like, "Sin is...being out of alignment with my values." That is a blaring siren of Biblical ignorance. The Bible says, "Sin is being out of alignment with God's values." That's like the number one lesson in every book of the Bible. You really need some help. Your statements are New Age, relativist, & humanist. Basically, they are textbook comments that go back to the first sin in the Garden of Eden, when the serpent lied and told Adam and Eve that they could be equal with God. (Read the book "When the World Will Be As One") "New Age" is the oldest false religion. It is a lie. And as for your "church" or Rev. Wright, Evangelicals think it's a sad cartoon. Obama, call me. I'll explain Christianity to you.
Hey, Victoria, call me. I'll explain creepy to you.
She goes on with a couple of Bible quotes, blah, blah, blah, then gets right to the point
I don't want a political label, but Obama bears traits that resemble the anti- Christ and I'm scared to death that un- educated people will ignorantly vote him into office. My mom likes him because his children are well dressed!
Heyooooo! Victoria, you really should look up the word "Irony" if you are going to toss around "Uneducated." And it's one word, no hyphen needed. They put that shit in the dictionary. Also, I think it's weird you just threw your Mom under the bus. You just called her ignorant and uneducated. That's mighty Christian of you.
You see, what bothers me most, besides that he is a Communist, and a whitey- hater, (although he is half white), is that he is a LIAR.
Um, citation? I mean, who said he was half white?
He pretends to be a Christian and he incriminates himself everytime he speaks about Christianity. To lie about being a believer in Christ is very dangerous. Lightning could strike him at any minute!
Right. Or, the old wizard who lives in the tree could make a potion that will make him see the light and he will lead us on his unicorn to eternal freedom!
I know my stance might keep me from LA jobs,
No, that would be your lack of talent. Were you under the impression you had been working a lot before this post? The high voice, cute thing doesn't work too well for middle-aged women. As a matter of fact, it's now a disturbing quality.
...since (almost) the whole town is liberal but, some time in a man's life, or a bleach blonde 49 year old woman's life, one must stand for what they believe in, and put truth before popularity.
Ha ha! A joke! I think. Sadly, your idea of the truth is shockingly medieval. You are centuries behind. Try to catch up.
I pray that our country will have a revival, and that God will forgive us for our rejection of Him. He blessed our country because we worshipped Him. But, now our public places have kicked him out, and subsequently, (or coincidentally?), our nation is being attacked by our enemies.
Seriously, take a fucking foreign policy class. We were attacked for our idiotic ventures, sweety. When you read just the one book you fall behind a bit.
She goes on with some quotes and explains how Obama will die because God will smite him, or some shit. She is an amazing tool. (Yes, the devil made me write that Victoria)
While I agree that she's a moron, Obama is half-white. His mother is a white woman from Kansas and his father is a Kenyan. They met and married in the fifties I believe; which is pretty awesome of them. I am very pro-obama; but you really should spend more time investigating both candidates.
Someone at work last week mentioned that she'd talk about Obama being the anti-Christ. She didn't believe it, just mentioned it. I said that I WISHED he was the anti-Christ! HE could used some of his Satanic Black Magic to fix the mess our Christian President has gotten us into.
Ironically, Jackson cites the book of Zephaniah, which is a book about an arguably insane prophet the Yahweh explaining how God can and will destroy the entire world if they don't stop pissing him off.
I'd still do her.
Im so tired of people calling someone an idiot or stupid for their opinion . Everyone has a right to voice there opinion who cares if you agree or disagree or if they spelled everything correctly . Not everyone is perfect ! With everything being said who knows what is fact and what is fiction ! Im not saying I want everybody to be happy all the time and that everyone should always have a big smile plastered on their faces ,but have some respect and stop being so rude !!
Victoria Jackson says she can't get work in L.A. because she's conservative. Truth is she can't it because she's not that funny or entertaining.
Interesting article, added his blog to Favorites
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