May 21, 2016

Something Every Bernie and Hillary Supporter Should Read

This was written by Susan Saxe. Sums up my beliefs perfectly.

I want to share some thoughts about the huge disconnect between Bernie and Hillary supporters. We are talking past each other for a variety of reasons, but I want to explore just one--the belief that we are in the midst of an unprecedented environmental crisis and that the clock is running out for our survival vs. the belief that we can continue with business as usual, maybe with a few tweaks.
I have written about the disconnect between identity feminism and radical feminism already and may write about the crisis of end-stage capitalism later. I have posted articles about the role of racism as well. These and other issues are entwined, but for the moment, let’s use the environmental crisis as emblematic of the disconnect in this analogy.
For the record, before I get any of the usual lectures aimed at Berners, I am a 67 year old radical feminist, I have been a Democrat since I first voted, my neighbors probably know me because I have knocked on their doors for Democratic candidates and everyone knows where I will be on the first Tuesday of November, rain or shine. In addition I have a long history of opposing the neoliberal (and yes, I know it has many meanings) project for decades. My continued opposition has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that its standard bearer is now a female. I also have a long history of working both inside and outside “the system” for social change. So don’t lecture me about being an ignorant young upstart who just sits aside and complains, particularly if you have voted Dem, but never lifted a finger to get further involved and are now indignantly berating younger Democrats who are trying to get involved.
So before reading further, please take this little test I’ve made up to see if this essay is for you:
1. Do you believe that the overwhelming majority of the world’s climate scientists are correct in their belief that we are in the midst of a sixth extinction and that we need to take immediate and drastic action to reduce our global carbon footprint or pass a point of no return, beyond which human civilization, and perhaps even human life will be essentially extinguished by the end of this century? If yes, read on, if no, conversation over—enjoy your alternate universe with completely different physics.
2. If you believe that the environmental crisis is real, do you think that we can afford to continue with business as usual for another 4-8 years, supporting an “all of the above” energy policy, and allowing more and more of the world’s wealth and power to accrue to a shrinking ruling class which benefits from and has no will to change the status quo? If yes, please explain why. Here are some suggestions:
a. Science will somehow save us at the last minute through a miraculous new energy source that will transform everything overnight with no struggle on our part, a geo-engineering Hail Mary or finding a new planet to live on.
b. Were so screwed that there is no use resisting, we may as well just ignore the doomsayers and party on.
c. When it gets bad enough the ruling class will have a sudden change of heart and launch a Manhattan Project level effort that will save the planet with no further prodding from us.
d. It will be really, really bad, but as one of the most privileged people on earth, I really don’t care what happens to a few billion starving, desperate climate refugees trekking through failed states in search of a few drops of water. When the dust settles, I’ll still be ok. Or conversely, I’m old and won’t live to see the worst of it, so let the youth worry about it as long as they don’t annoy me by raising their voices and making a fuss.
e. Some other reason: ________
3. If you don’t think we can afford 4-8 more years of business as usual, what do you plan to do about it?
a. Convince myself that it’s not really that bad. After all, I’m not a scientist so I can just let in as much as I can deal with and not get upset.
b. I get how bad it is but I don’t want to be considered strident or crazy, so I’m just going to go along with business as usual and try not to think about it, settle for incremental changes and hope for the best, because real, systemic change is impossible or just too hard or risky.
c. Work for systemic change through the system and hope that scientists are wrong and that we have another 20 years to get started taking this seriously, rather than already being close to the point of no return.
d. Fight tooth and nail for the best shot we have to save our planet and ourselves. That means not giving up on system change, and directly confronting the political and financial infrastructure that is driving the crisis.
OK, so this is for everyone in categories 3a, b and c. I’m in 3d in case you missed it.
So, here we are on the Titanic, headed for the iceberg. The small minority of people in First Class are partying like it’s 1912 and are only interested in having a good time and making it to New York as fast as possible. The Crew works for the First Class passengers and their livelihoods depend on pleasing them. The middle class in Tourist just wants to get to New York, as do the multitudes below decks in Steerage.
A growing group of people in Tourist and Steerage are aware of some very interesting information about the ship, including that it is proceeding at a very dangerous speed through waters awash with icebergs, and that there are not enough lifeboats on board for everyone. They are becoming restive and demanding that the Crew slow down as quickly as possible to a safe speed and turn the boat on a new course. They call themselves the Turners.
The Turners’ questions and demands are met with patient explanations about the history and finances of the passenger liner business, and why it is important for people to get to New York as quickly as possible. The First Class passengers have important business to attend to and after all, it is their high fares that make the whole business profitable. The people in Steerage will also be better served getting to New York faster because they will be more comfortable on land and will be able to start their new lives sooner to reach the American Dream.
But the Turners persist. Getting to New York a few days earlier does not justify taking an enormous risk of catastrophe. Sighing, the Crew listens some more, and gives them a tour of the engine room, as well as a detailed itinerary, map and business plan of the shipping line, to show how much thought and effort has gone into this voyage. They consider it very immature and inappropriate that these upstart passengers should presume to tell them how to run a ship. It is also very unreasonable of the Turners to not care that the shipping line runs on a very tight profit margin and any delay that would be caused by slowing down or changing course dramatically would result in lost profits, lost jobs and maybe even worse. What is the matter with these people?
Some of the Turners’ leaders point out that they have degrees in Maritime Engineering and/or have worked in the shipping industry for decades, some even for this very shipping company. They are met with blank stares or accusations of disloyalty.
The Turners continue to assert their argument, more insistently than ever. The Crew grows increasingly exasperated, feeling like they are not being listened to and respected. They are tired of being distracted from their jobs, asked to risk their reputations and livelihoods by going against their bosses and second guessed by these obstreperous landlubbers who have no regard for their experience and professionalism. The ship, after all, is unsinkable.
The Turners continue working below decks to educate their fellow passengers about ship construction and safety, revealing that the shipping line has a very bad safety record. Due to deregulation, there were no inspections in place when the welding was done, and it is likely that inferior rivets were used. Also, there are flaws in the hull plan. The ship is indeed sinkable. And then there is that thing about the lifeboats. They go back to the Crew, a larger crowd and more alarmed than ever.
Meanwhile the First Class passengers have gotten wind of the discontent and have started rumors among the Tourist and Steerage passengers that a band of malcontents are plotting to slow them down, turn them off course and sabotage the voyage. Things quickly get out of control and a faction arises, largely among the Tourist class, blaming the Steerage passengers for being a threat. They say the poor people are foreigners and troublemakers who should be dumped overboard. They call themselves the Dumpers. Bands of Dumpers begin drawing up plans to take over the ship and chop holes in the hull with the intention of drowning the people in Steerage. They categorically deny that we are all in the same boat.
Meanwhile, the Turners are growing more frustrated and urgent in their demands. The clock is ticking, the ship is entering icy waters; small icebergs have been sighted. Voices are raised. Tempers flare. Now the conversations about the course of the ship and the dangers of the waters are replaced with long conversations about tone of voice, the relative needs of various classes of passengers in regard to getting to New York on time, and more details of how the shipping industry is run, financed and regulated. The Turners, for some incomprehensible reason, are not impressed by all this information. People who say they once sympathized with them are now claiming to be so turned off by their attitude that they would rather risk drowning in the North Atlantic (which at this point seems rather abstract) than put up with the persistent unpleasantness, which is in their faces right now.
It’s getting colder. Medium sized icebergs are sighted with greater frequency. The seas are choppy and the First Class passengers are pressuring the Captain to turn up the steam and go faster. The Turners find out that this is happening and start threatening mutiny. They are met with an even angrier explanation of how things are done in the real world and stern warnings about the history of past failed maritime mutinies. They are also told that they had better side with the Crew to defeat the Dumpers who are now out with axes trying to chop through the hull. And they are graciously offered input into the arrangement of the deck chairs, dinner menus and evening entertainment.
The Turners persist, continue to educate and organize, and continue to gain traction. A vote is taken. Everyone over the age of 18 in Tourist is allowed to vote. Everyone in Steerage over the age of 18 who meets certain requirements that only about half of them can meet is also allowed to vote. The First Class Passengers are given veto power. The Turners, while growing more numerous, feel that the deck is stacked against them. They object strenuously at every stage. They complain that the system is rigged and are told that they agreed to this system when they booked passage. If they wanted different rules they should have gone into the shipping business years ago and worked their way into management. Now it is too late. No chairs are thrown yet, but people start to believe that they have been, and that manufactured controversy now drives the conversation…
So by now we all get the “drift,” no? There are two different universes trying to communicate here. The Turners believe that we are all in the same boat and in urgent danger that requires unprecedented and immediate action. The Crew and some of the other passengers believe that we are all in the same boat, with somewhat different ideas as to whether we should be going a few degrees to the left or right, but we should all just come together under the direction of the Crew and Captain, to overcome the crazy Dumpers, and if the Turners don’t agree, why they are no better than the Dumpers. The Dumpers, of course, are in a third universe where we are each in our own boat, at war with each other. They are not even trying to communicate with the rest of us.
Is this starting to make sense? So, if you were a Turner, believing that we are headed for an iceberg of epic proportions, would you just quit? Would you respond well to complaints that you were rude or immature because you are not being “reasonable” and insisting on “having things your own way?” Would you trust leaders who are telling us that we are essentially on the right course and that our greatest danger is pirates, not icebergs? Not bloody likely if you understand that even though there are some pirates, the people steering our ship into the path of the iceberg are a great danger to us in the end. Add to that that they clearly intend to hog all the lifeboats when the ship sinks and yeah, we’re mad as hell and not going to take it any more. Does that help?

May 19, 2016

How The Nevada Democratic Party Stole Nevada From Bernie.

The reason there is so much focus on Bernie supporters being upset and going crazy is because it takes the focus off of what was simply the theft of the state of Nevada.

Here's how it went down.
The Nevada Caucus has three tiers.
Hillary won the first tier on February 20th.  Part of the reason she won is that Harry Reid called the president of the Culinary Workers Union in Nevada to ensure that "tens of thousands" of culinary workers would not have to work the day of the caucus. That was done, with pay.  They were just told to vote for Hillary.   Hillary won the first tier but anyone who watched video of the caucus knows it was the definition of a shit show.  
Next up was the 2nd Tier.  It turns our 20% of the voters at the original caucus were missing valid ballots (shitshow).  That meant 20% of delegates were up for grabs and they flipped to Bernie in the 2nd Tier on April 2nd. It also means Hillary did not legitimately win the 1st tier.  But, whatever.  Win, lose, who cares?
Then came the holy fuck what are you doing 3rd tier.
Now, the Democratic Party knew Hillary was looking at a loss because of what happened in the 2nd tier. So, they changed the rules.  First, the switched the rules around so the delegates would be awarded to the winner of the 1st tier.  Just because.
They knew enough Bernie supporters were savvy and would make motions at the convention to object to this absurd rule change.  In order to stop that from happening, they changed the Nevada Democratic Party rules so all votes on the floor of the convention would be decided only by a voice vote, instead of a vote on paper.  "Ayes" and "Nays."  Because, in the year 2016 why not hold a vote the way Vikings did?  Of course, only one person would decide who won the voice vote - Nevada Democratic Party Chair Roberta Lange.  Once she ruled, that was it.  No mas. Done. 
But these changes were considered "temporary rules" and they had to be voted on and passed.  That WAS done by paper ballot.   The vote was to be held first thing when the convention started at 10 am. All good, right?

The vote was held at 9:30 am, not 10, as scheduled.  So, when all the Bernie supporters came rambling in and found a  convention hall full of smirking Hillary supporters, they learned the vote had already taken place. The Bernie supporters that did arrive early still did not all have ballots when the vote was held.  Hillary's supporters did.  That's some Tammany Hall shit.
A motion to have a revote of the "Temporary Rules" was then demanded.  Nevada Democratic Party Chair Roberta Lange then held a voice vote (she's really into those) to decide whether the temporary vote would remain.  On video, you can year the "ayes" are much less that the "nays" but she passed it anyway.  Who gives a fuck? It's democracy.
And then the good times kept rolling.  Sixty four delegates were ejected from the convention hall for not having proper credentials.  They say they did.  They were not allowed to prove they were credentialed.  They were just tossed. The VAST MAJORITY of those delegates were Bernie supporters.  Clinton then won by 30 delegates. 
Different motions are made by Bernie supporters but they are ignored. Then Roberta Lange jumps onstage and speeds through a bunch of motions that declare everything that happened today stands, she does the "ayes" and "nays" so fast it's almost like a shitty SNL sketch and then adjourns the meeting by banging her gavel angrily.  It's so fast it would be hilarious if it wasn't so disgusting.  And she runs off the stage. 
Bernie supporters are screaming because they can't believe what just happened. Someone holds a chair over their head.  My Senator, Barbara Boxer, mocked Bernie supporters, by blowing them kisses while surrounded by police. 
Cops then order everyone to leave.
The net change of delegates is 8.  Bernie Sanders should have won 19-16 but now has lost 20-15.
Roberta Lange received threats on social media and her home phone, which she was more than happy to publicize. 
The victory here is so hollow and means so little to a candidate easily in the lead that it is mind boggling they would be so stupid. It will clearly end in Bernie voters not supporting Hillary in the general. But, that's the Democratic Party. They've been as stupid as stupid can be my entire life. Why change now?
In my opinion, chairs should have been thrown.  And lots of them.

May 4, 2016

Third World Nation

I think we've crossed the line.   There are so many reasons why - the massive inequality, the suffering poor, extreme poverty, crumbling infrastructure, rich making their own rules, etc..  But I'm just going to go with this picture.

Bloodied man talks to military dressed guy.

Very, very, third world election pic.

We're there!

May 3, 2016


“I feel sorry for the young people who believe” the lies Sanders is telling them about money accepted from executives and lobbyists tied to the fossil fuel industry. Young people “don’t do their own research.”  - Hillary Clinton, April 2016

Sanders supporters will “shoot every third person on Wall Street if he's elected.” - Bill Clinton, April 2016

“Look, I think it’s exciting to be, in effect, protesting, I remember I did that a long time ago when I was in my twenties, and I totally get the attraction of this.” - Hillary Clinton, April 2016

“If all the young people who claim to be disillusioned now had voted in 2010, we wouldn’t have lost the Congress, and we’d probably have our incomes back." - Bill Clinton, April 2016

“It can’t be just about what we’re going to give to you. It has to be about we’re going to build together."  Hillary Clinton, February 2016

“Most young people aren’t voting,” Chelsea Clinton, April 2016

I bet they are saying nice things behind closed doors.

One thing you'll notice if you pay attention to this election and past elections of members of the DLC, like Hillary, is a complete and total contempt for the working class.  They see blue collar workers as something from the past that should perish.  There is no place for them in the world they envision.

There is a lack of humanity to their world view, one that leaves millions of Americans struggling and suffering.  In this case, it's not that those who make their living from coal will be living high off the hog in the near future, but the callous disregard for them as humans.  Sure, she followed it up with how she'd help them.  I'm sure it will be similar to the way none of the other blue collar workers whose jobs went south of the border were helped.

Close your eyes and picture clean energy companies taking their business to coal country and giving them jobs.  Yeah.  Okay.  That's why her first comment is so ugly.  And truthful.

This opinion of blue collar workers is a holdover from the Goldwater days, when the Democratic Party made a conscious decision to leave these people behind. They openly discussed it and wrote about it.  And this belief is what free trade is built upon. The total and complete disregard of an entire demographic of people in America.

And those people are the fertilizer for some dark forces. They are giving us Trump now, what will they give us after Trump?