Mar 24, 2010

Some Crazy Shit Going on at WikiLeaks.

This is insane. Since the Iraq War began, it has been suspected the US Military has been targeting journalists. There is even some video that supports this claim but now it appears WikiLeaks may have cracked the code.

And they are in danger because of it.

You can follow WikiLeaks on Twitter here.

This is kind of insane.


Unknown said...

I heard something about the Pentagon was going after WikiLeaks, but this is nuts.

Christopher said...

This is fucking scary.

They always seemed like brilliant people, so the "in case we get offed" thing is a good tactic that I've always fantasized about in my teenage government conspiracy whistle-blower fantasies. The week and a half that it's going to take is distressing, though, since so much can happen in that time.

Anonymous said...