Feb 2, 2009

Idiot Meets Profound Sadness

It's hard being really, really stupid. Take Matthew Naugle - he's a conservative blogger from Ohio who is deeply, deeply upset about what went down during the RNC chairmanship election.
...all the technology in the world is meaningless without the right conservative message.
I run Ken Blackwell's Facebook page and Twitter page. I was also Ken Blackwell's campaign blogger and web guy in 2006. Ken Blackwell is my hero- my idol- my Goldwater...... but I couldn't be more disappointed in his endorsement today. No candidate was more un-Blackwell than Michael Steele.
"My hero - my idol - my Goldwater." He is also one of the worst human beings in America. Ken Blackwell was responsible for massive voter caging in Ohio in 2004, which led to Bush winning Ohio. Blackwell did everything he could to prevent black people from voting and it worked.

Michael, you need to re-evaluate everything. You are the definition of pathetic. Pick a new hero. Maybe Dick Cheney?

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