Feb 4, 2009

Border Fencing!

Remember that super expensive border fence George W. Bush decided to build? The one that had giant gaps in it because rich people didn't want it going through their property? The one our government took land from poor people to build? The one that was far from the US border, cutting out American homeowners from their country?

Yeah, it's not going so great.
More than 600 miles of fencing are already up -- a hodge-podge of metal panels, wire mesh and steel posts. The California, Arizona and New Mexico portions were finished largely without incident. But the last 70 miles, mostly along the Rio Grande Valley in Texas, are proving a challenge.
You don't say.
And all the while, drug smugglers and illegal immigrants continue to breach the fencing that is up, forcing Border Patrol agents and contractors to return again and again for repairs. The smugglers build ramps to drive over fencing, dig tunnels under it, or use blow torches to slice through. They cut down metal posts used as vehicle barriers and replace them with dummy posts, made from cardboard.
I can't believe a giant fence isn't working. I guess Mexicans aren't the same as cows, like we thought.

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