Nov 28, 2008

Our Latest Ultra Sound Is Here

Jesus. That doesn't look right. Maybe it still has some growing to do, it's only 19 weeks.


Anonymous said...

At least you can be certain it's yours.

Pow! Zoom!

Anonymous said...

I found your blog through some links as I am not happy with the mormom church either. I am not happy however because of what they are doing to Adoptees. I am wondering if you are aware, that in 1951, all records pertaining to our birth information, including the time, the location and the names of our real parents were closed to us, thanks in part to the church. Females who were not married since 1951 were sent to maternity homes, that were like prisons. Alot of them were run by nuns. After childbirth, these girls/young women who wanted to keep their babies desperatly, were forced to give them to total strangers and were not allowed to know who their own children went to. Many of these babies were abused by adoptive parents. These mothers were lied to, and told if they did not give their babies away they would go to hell. (I will mention here that both the mormom and catholic church has made billons selling these babies to infertile couples). They were told if they really loved thier babies, they would give them to a doctor, lawyer, or other well off professional and his wife to raise. Some of these females were tied to beds during childbirth with no pain releif as a form of punishment. They were broken down for months in these homes, being brainwashed that they were not good enough for their own child. Adoptees were not allowed to know the members of their own bloodline, or see their own parents faces, or even know their names. We were not allowed our medical history growing up, and our only birth certificate was an amended one-saying an infertile woman(our adoptive mother) conceived us and gave birth to us. In other words, a total lie. This was done because we were/are bastards and according to the church we are not good enough. We are still not allowed our real birth certificates in most states still, because we are considered inferior. The mormons do not beleive adopted people should even know who their own parents are,(because bastards are not good enough and should beleive adoptive parents are their real parents) which is the most basic fundamental need in a human being, and which is a form of torture and agony to be denied. They beleive we should have a phony idenity, belonging to two married people that did not fornicate and make a child, because that makes us then legitimate as people. The catholic church still holds this view as well, and fights hard to keep our records closed, pays people off to keep them closed, which denies us knowing who is in our bloodline, knowing real family members and our medical histories. I found it interesting that you compared gettign gay rights to women being denied the right to vote, but I think you should know what adoptees are going through and that we are not being treated as equals, and are horrifically oppressed. A really good book to read is "The Girls Who Went Away". It exposes the birth mother privacy lie. A lie made up by adoption agencies, the churches, social workers and adoptive parents to keep our records closed. None of the moms who were forced to give away their babies ever wanted these babies to never know who they were. Thanks for reading this.

Jezcabelle said...

Aww I heart Aye-Ayes they make me smile - I hope ur munchkin is healthy.