Nov 11, 2008

News From The Right Wing Civil War

This is truly a wonderful thing to watch. Right wing lunatics are battling other right wing lunatics over the future course of the party. Sarah Palin is at the heart of the battle.

Now some are calling for a boycott of Fox News because, you know, it's too liberal.
I propose that we punish the FOX Network for its hatchet job on Sarah Palin.

For one week beginning at 3:00 PM today no one tunes them in. We will demonstrate the power of conservatives when their ratings plummet dramatically.

Will you join me?

You know I will, bro. And others are on board.
I am with you all the way my friend...i hope FOX goes off the air...hate em now...
Wow. I hope Fox goes off the air too.
I don't watch Fox. Too far left.
Um, what just happened?
I haven’t watched FOX since the interview they did with Hussein.
BTW, I’m still boycotting France.
Well, yeah...

We need a new tv news channel that is completely conservative. We have the talent. Rush, Ingraham, Levin, Hannity, Beck, Boortz, and others. Until then, I am cancelling cable.

I watch the Weather Channel often - to actually get the weather - but they are very liberal and promote “climate change” as part of their agenda. Be warned.

Fucking Weather terrorists.


Christopher said...
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Dave Anthony said...

Amazing. They actually manage to become more and more dumb everyday.