Well, this is the epic battle we have been waiting for. Norris vs. All Gays. I can't say I've ever watched one of his movies or seen one episode of the awesome Texas Walker Ranger, but he seems a formidible opponent. He's like a boring, white, less talented Bruce Lee. Oh, and he's lacking in personality and charisma.
And yet, he's got an awesome gift of stupidity.
The tolerance-preaching activists also have taken their anger to the blogosphere, where posts have planted ideas ranging from burning churches to storming the citadels of government until our society is forced to overturn Prop. 8. You even can find donor blacklists online. The lists include everyone who financially backed Prop. 8 -- even those who gave as little as $46 -- with the obvious objective that these individuals will be bantered and boycotted for doing so.
What's wrong with this picture? Lots.
Right. You left out the part where the Yes on 8 religious folks tried to blackmail companies who gave to No on 8. That's totally different than a boycott, isn't it?
First, there's the obvious inability of the minority to accept the will of the majority. Californians have spoken twice, through the elections in 2000 and 2008. Nearly every county across the state (including Los Angeles County) voted to amend the state constitution in favor of traditional marriage.
Good point, shitty action hero. Now explain to me why those horrible slaves didn't accept their traditional slavery role. Then explain to me why you think marriage is some sort of religious bond, instead of its true function back in the day - to claim women as property.
Nevertheless, bitter activists simply cannot accept the outcome as being truly reflective of the general public.
It's weird what happens to people when they are treated like second class citizens, isn't it? I thought you'd understand this, but maybe you never read a review of one of your films.
So they have placed the brainwashing blame upon the crusading and misleading zealotry of those religious villains: the Catholics, evangelical Protestants, and especially Mormons, who allegedly are robbing the rights of American citizens by merely executing their right to vote and standing upon their moral convictions and traditional views.
Oh, we don't think you're brainwashing anyone. We think you're liars. Mostly because we saw the ads created by the religious cabal. You know, the ones full of blatant lies. Explain that to your Jesus, Chuck. Then when you're done, try a roundhouse kick to your own face.
Oh, and I should add, Defamer had another take on your idiocy.
Yes, and Norris respects those boundaries of marriage, which is why he has already been married, divorced, and remarried, and why he has a daughter he didn't meet until she turned 26 because she was the result of an extramarital affair.Wow, Chuck really is saving marriage.
From this day forward he is to be referred to as "Fuck Norris."
hey chuck, I won't get you for your bad grammar - boy, it's all over the place, didn't you go to skool? - but I just wanted to have a word with you about the democracy angle.
The big election. The 'Presidential' one. Ummm. You lost.
I just wanted to rub in that democracy thing.
Wow. I'm going to burn my Delta Force DVD -- but not my Delta Force 2: The Colombian Connection DVD. That one is a keeper!
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