The Female George Bush GOP vice president nominee for president has gone into hiding because the press is a big meanie.
McCain campaign manager Rick Davis refused to say when Gov. Sarah Palin would answer questions from the national media in an interview with Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday.Aw. The press keep asking her questions, so as any true leader would do, she's run back to her cave.
"She'll agree to an interview when we think it's time and when she feels comfortable doing it," Davis said. "She's not scared to answer questions."So, then she's pouting?
Why would we want to throw Sarah Palin into a cycle of piranhas called the news media that have nothing better to ask questions about than her personal life and her children?"Um, you're talking to the media right now, Davis. How come you can face the "piranha media," but sweet, sweet Female George Bush cannot? Is it because she's a precious lady?
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