I am constantly amazed by the endless stupidity of the right wing. They really seem to believe if they just say something, eventually it will become true. I think they believe they are wizards. Which is sad, because they are retards.
Check out today's gem from Idaho Representative Bill Sali.
Congressman Sali informed us that a solution to the high price of gasoline was to make petroleum from “all those trees in our forests.” Stunned by the comment, I suffered a momentary regret for not taking that high school chemistry class those many years ago. He continued by saying there ‘”could be up to 40 barrels of oil ” in a single tree.
Um. Shit. You know where we can also get a lot of oil? Out of turtles. There's probably three or four gallons in every turtle. True story.
It's not the first time Sali has said this. From 2006:
‘Forty percent of the mass of every tree in the forest is crude oil,’ he said. Going after that, he said, ‘could put Idaho in the oil business for the first time’.”
So, this tool has been walking around for TWO YEARS saying there is a lot of oil IN TREES. TWO FUCKING YEARS. How many people do you think have said, "You're a fucking idiot" or "Go read a book" in those two years? I'm betting a lot. And yet, Bill is sticking to his tree fantasy.
He is actually an elected official. And he's a treetard.
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