Aug 17, 2008

Penguins Finally Starting To Get Their Props

Penguins are, obviously, the bestest thing on Earth. And now, they are finally being rewarded for being the bestest thing on Earth.
For the commanding officer of the Norwegian King's Guard, it was a moment as surreal as it was moving.
As Lieutenant-Colonel Ingrid Gjerde surveyed the scene before her in Edinburgh yesterday, she must have wondered whether she was dreaming.

For the King's Guard was about to award a knighthood to what was already the world's most decorated penguin

Yes, a penguin in now a knight. Thank you Norway.
After a fanfare by the trumpet corps gathered at Edinburgh Zoo, all eyes were on king penguin Nils Olav as he gracefully marched into view.

Only when confronted by a tall man in a smart suit wielding a long sword did the bird flinch. But in seconds he had regained his poise long enough to be knighted – at the behest of King Harald V himself.

Sir Nils fucking Olav, penguin.

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