Jul 7, 2008

Woman Tries To Kill McCain With Sad Sign

This old woman was arrested by The Man for carrying a naughty sign at a McCain event. Actually, the event had not even begun. Oh, and it was a town hall meeting that was supposed to be open to the public - unless they had mean signs. Because if there's one thing a crafty, brave old war vet can't handle, it's a sign. Although, she could just be getting tossed out because the sign blows. I mean, put more than two minutes into it, sister.

I think the cops should have been more worried about the dude to the right who is carrying some weird, green thing that has a picture of Bush on it. Seriously, is that guy going to slip that on? Is he a villain? WTF?

Hat tip: Wonkette

1 comment:

Rose Marie said...

She's a librarian. Sweet.